Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ahhh.....Spring Break!

So, it was off to the Oregon coast for Spring Break. The girls and I decided to brave the snow on Santiam Pass....Snow?!?! Isn't it supposed to be "Spring Break" not "Snow Break"?!

It was probably the worst snow driving conditions I have ever encountered since we moved over the mountain almost 11 years ago! (Photos courtesy of Ashley, by the way! Are you kidding? I had both white-knuckled hands on the wheel the whole way, thank you very much!). We headed over midweek so we would have time to go to the beach. Thankfully, the weather cooperated there and we had one good day to enjoy the beach and do a little kite flying at Bastendorff! As a former coastie, I am very thankful that we got that one good day - I was fully expecting it to rain the whole time we were there! Shawn and his folks headed over on Friday and we spent the rest of the weekend visiting Shawn's grandma in Coquille for her 89th birthday, and his aunt, Kathleen, who was out visiting from Nebraska. I also got to visit with one of my long time friends, Leah, who I have known since we were just 7th graders! My how time flies! (sorry Leah, I just had to do it! It was just too funny!) We still get to giggling, no matter how old we get! We entertained the girls with tales from our youth! Well, I think I have figured out how to add a video to my blog, so here is a slideshow I created from some of the pictures I took while we were at the coast. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the goats got a credit! : )
Cute video - thanks for sharing. We also went to see the Sea lions when we were down! (but alas, no goats..) Teri